

Determining the exact number of Saluki dogs in Sweden and Europe can be challenging due to the lack of a centralized database. However, some insights are available:

In Sweden, the Saluki Club of Sweden (Svenska Salukiringen) is active and has a significant number of members involved in breeding, showing, and caring for Salukis. The breed is recognized by the Swedish Kennel Club, and there are various breeders and enthusiasts across the country. While exact numbers are not readily available, it’s clear that the breed has a dedicated following in Sweden.

In Europe, the Saluki is also a recognized and cherished breed. Countries like the UK, Germany, France, and the Netherlands have active Saluki clubs and communities. These clubs often host events, dog shows, and lure coursing competitions, which are popular activities for Saluki owners.

According to the F?d?ration Cynologique Internationale (FCI), the Saluki is classified under Group 10 (Sighthounds). This classification helps in standardizing breed information and activities across member countries. While the exact number of Salukis in Europe is not specified, their presence in multiple national registries and clubs indicates a healthy population across the continent.

For more detailed statistics or specific numbers, it would be advisable to contact national kennel clubs or Saluki breed clubs directly, as they may have more precise records of registered Salukis.
